The Times of India

Times Power of Print | Times Group | Times of India

Young Lions is dedicated at helping young talent showcase their creativity at a global platform. National teams of young creative, media and marketing professionals from around the world will get a chance to compete against each other and win the Young Lions title.
What should be the ideal brand positioning and the marketing strategy under this scenario?
Winning the Young Lions Competition is a hugely rewarding experience and can change your career forever. Shortlisted teams will be competing against the most talented and creative young professionals from across the world, winners will be awarded at Cannes Lions to be held remotely online.
More than just a competition

Opportunity to compete with the best from around the world

  • Showcase your talent and get recognised by the industry’s best.
  • Interact and learn through workshops conducted by international experts
  • Meet advertising and marketing legends from across the globe.
  • Fully sponsored trip by BCCL for the winning teams to represent India at Young Cannes Lions 2020.

The Young Lions India competition is open to Print/Media/Marketing Category.


A call for entry process is followed to invite eligible participants to apply for the competition.

Shortlisted 10 teams from each category will be asked to present their work to our jury members in Mumbai. TBL for this round will not be sponsored by BCCL. Participants will need to make their own arrangements.

All the entries received will be put under screening for eligibility and a team of two participants will be selected by an independent Jury appointed in India. The jury’s voting will be based on predefined evaluation parameters.

The winning team will represent India at the Cannes Lions Festival 2020.

The decision of the Jury in all matters relating to the awarding of prizes will be final and binding.

Jury presentation :
15th April, 2020 (Media and Print)
16th April, 2020 (Marketing)

Winning team announcement:

Week of 20th April, 2020



‘PayEasy’ is the fourth entrant in the online payment service space, which is already crowded and cluttered market. ‘PayEasy’ is a subsidiary of its US parent and therefore has the funding to make inroads in the Indian market, while being able to make international transactions easier. ‘PayEasy’ needs to establish credibility and create preference in an already high penetrated market.


Create a compelling Print campaign to establish credibility, create TOM awareness and bring PayEasy into the consideration set by highlighting the benefits on being part of the PayEasy network & come up with ideas that will get PayEasy a million downloads within a month. All this should be achieved through print.
For any doubts or queries related to eligibility, please click on the eligibility tab on the masthead.



The food regulatory bodies have been watching the companies with hawk eyes. Companies which have slipped even a bit with abiding to the regulations and have harmful products in their food have been pulled up and banned. Brand COCO – a breakfast cereal, has been involved in a huge controversy over harmful substances found in their cereal. Media has blown this up and covered the issue extensively. This has of course, tarnished the image of the COCO. Come up with a media plan using print as a primary medium to fix the reputation of COCO so that people start re-purchasing Coco and regain their trust in the product

Budget: Rs. 20 cr.
For any doubts or queries related to eligibility, please click on the eligibility tab on the masthead.



The auto market has some established players worth multiple offerings. A new player comes in with two premium models offering superlative technology, finish, engine power at a lower comparable rate. This is a new brand to India, but has a good reputation in many markets. However, most of the parts for the models they are selling in India are coming from China unlike the other established brands who have plants in India and therefore better access to parts & maybe better quality. The new brand is selling like hot cakes given the superior offering at a highly competitive price. You work for an established brand. How do you reclaim the market?

Budget: Rs. 20 cr.
For any doubts or queries related to eligibility, please click on the eligibility tab on the masthead.


  • Teams will be made up of two young advertising professionals from ad agencies (Print).
  • Any two people working in a media agency or in the media department of a full service agency are eligible (Media).
  • Teams will be made of 2 young marketers from a client organization. An agency cannot apply in this category (Marketing).
  • The two members of the team should be working in the same organisation.
  • Participants should be 30 years old or younger, born on or after 26th June 1990.
  • Please keep the documents as mentioned in the terms and conditions ready for verification purposes.
  • It is mandatory for both the team members to be present during the final round for the virtual presentation. Absence of any of the team member will lead to disqualification of the entire team from the competition.
  • One individual/team can apply multiple times under one category for this edition.
  • Last date for receiving completed entries is 23th April, 2021.


The 10 shortlisted teams will be asked to present their work to our jury members virtually.

The winning team will receive fully paid BCCL Young Lions passes for winning the competition. This will be at the discretion of the management and may be modified during the course of the competition period.


For further assistance, please contact us at